The XiLearn project in Laos

XiLearn’s objective is to train young Laotians (regardless of gender or income), who have a good knowledge of English.
The training includes all digital marketing techniques (web design, e-commerce, referencing on international search engines (SEO/SEA), content marketing, social networks, etc.). Students are supported by mentors chosen for their expertise in one of the fields.

The training is free for students without income, after studying their file.

Project history

The founder of the project, business creator and director of the company Xifab, which specializes in the creation and manufacture of interactive terminals and digital solutions, involved in international trade as a Foreign Trade Advisor for France, decided to set up the project pilot in Laos where she is accompanied by a Laotian team and local partners.

Digital is a powerful lever for the economy of a country, in particular for the social ascent of young people trained in the corresponding techniques. Digital transformation is at the heart of the country’s concerns to rise to the world level in terms of accessibility, quality and price, to benefit public and private companies as well as citizens. The challenge is crucial in terms of economic development and innovation.

Laos is a young country, strategically located in the heart of the RCEP free trade zone. This position is an asset for developing a pool of young professionals experienced in digital techniques and will allow young Laotians to be directed towards promising professions and the creation of innovative start-ups.

If the coding techniques, frameworks and software are the same all over the world, the digital marketing strategies differ according to the regions of the world and especially for the Asian markets.

For the leaders of VSEs, SMEs and ETIs, this adaptation is a very complex process accompanied by significant investment. This is why allowing them to call on future experts trained in digital marketing techniques, at a much lower cost than in their own country and with European and local contacts on site, would be an undeniable advantage for these companies wishing to rapidly develop their exports.

The XiLearn project can also be part of the strategy

About the students

Young Laotians are enthusiastic, hardworking and always positive. They particularly appreciate this initiative which allows them to acquire new skills in high demand around the world. These new skills offer them better employment opportunities.

They work hard, determined to improve their social condition and help their families.

Our mission

Create an ecosystem

Create a network with all students registered on the XiLearn platform who can call on the skills of other XiLearn students (in their country or abroad) trained in other techniques to solve any type of case. A web design specialist will be able to call on experts trained in SEO to reference the site, those trained in content marketing to enrich the site, those trained in social media to promote it and those trained in e-commerce to sell the products. or services offered on the site

An international project

Allowing European SMEs and ETIs to adapt or develop their digital marketing strategy to Asian markets by optimizing their costs. By using the services of young professionals trained by the School who will gradually create a network of digital experts in Asia.

Join the networks of Digital nomads

Digital nomads rely on the benefits of remote working to generate income, based anywhere in the world. Most are at least bilingual in English. Many work in digital marketing (web development, SEO, graphic design, video, web editor, etc.), artificial intelligence, translation, web entrepreneurship or business creation.

They can work closely with XiLearn students by offering them support as a mentor and/or by entrusting them with assignments to supplement their services.

The program

E-learning is a revolution in access to knowledge for all. So was the discovery of the printing press, which made it possible to print school textbooks and to be the vector of the cultural revolution.

Digital marketing means all marketing activities that target consumers using different digital channels.

If you know how to create interesting content and have regular news to communicate, it will be easy for you to capture the attention of your audience.

It is still necessary to know how to create a website offering a perfect digital experience (UX) with attractive content (UI), know how to reference it in the first pages of a search engine, develop applications, create videos, communicate on social networks, master marketing, payment and e-commerce logistics techniques.

That’s what you’ll learn in this digital marketing training program.


Admissions are divided into 4 stages :

Admission to access the XiLearn platform requires

⦿ a High School level
⦿ a good knowledge and command of the English language
⦿ be at least 18 years old

On the basis of these prerequisites, admission is made without distinction of gender. The school encourages the enrollment of young girls

The preselection is made on file.

At the end of each module you will have to answer quizzes and challenges between you. You will have case studies to do together and at the end of the course you have chosen you will have a final exam that will allow you to obtain the XiLearn certification.

The next session will take place on October 15, 2023.

The courses will be FREE for any registration before September 15, 2023 and your admission will be communicated to you no later than September 30, 2023.

Share your skills and become a remote mentor in Laos

They change the future of students… and theirs!

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Experts in Laos, Europe have already agreed to become volunteer mentors, to help students understand their courses or solve the case studies that will be assigned to them.

Join us for an extraordinary experience!

To be eligible for the mentoring program, you must:

Have a fraternal and friendly spirit

Be available 4 to 5 hours per month

Have professional experience in digital marketing

Become a XiLearn teacher

Train young Laotians in digital professions!

We regularly launch recruitments to teach new digital techniques. Joining us means both being part of an international network and contributing to the success of learners.

Through your skills and your know-how, you will take an active part in our ethics and our social responsibility.

Our partners

To give students every chance of success, XiLearn surrounds itself with committed partners who share its values, in the development of the project and/or its funding.

Partners, digital marketing agencies, VSEs, SMEs and ETI mainly will become members of the association and will have access to the services of the experts of the XiLearn network at a preferential rate.

Our committed partners.

Become a member of the XiLearn network to entrust your services to the network of young XiLearn experts in Asia

Support us

Contribute to a better life for our students.

Although classes are free, students must work during the day to pay for their living expenses. Being financially supported for accommodation or food will help them focus better on school. Or offer a computer to those who have to co-work because a computer in Laos costs the price of 3 to 4 months salary.









Thanks to you, our students will acquire the knowledge, techniques and values ​​to create a fairer world.

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