Content & Brand Marketing

About the course

Quiz series
Case studies

The program

Module 1


→ Introduction to digital marketing and definitions

→ Digital marketing tools

→ Digital marketing is everywhere

Content marketing

→ Definitions, objectives, and cycles

→ Distribution channels: blogs, social media, emails: tips, examples, and KPIs

→ Editorial guidelines and planning

→ Content is king – Link between content and SEO

→ Targets and Personas: definitions, key elements, and examples

Introduction to brand marketing

→ Definition of branding or brand marketing

→ How to create a brand image

→ Visual identity: creation, evolution

→ Storytelling or the art of telling stories

To go further

→ Trends:

  • Artificial intelligence
  • Influence marketing
  • New forms of content
  • Audio content UGC: User-generated content


→ Toolboxes:

  • Software
  • Hardware

The teacher


“I am passionate about writing, creating visual content, and communication. My goal is to help you understand different techniques for creating high-quality content and implementing an effective content strategy for your business. I am eager to share my knowledge and skills with you to help you achieve your content marketing goals.”

The objectives

This module for beginners in brand content and creation will help you develop the necessary skills to create quality and engaging content that highlights your brand and attracts the attention of your target audience.


This course is free for all registrations until September 15, 2023